2071 Chaitra OOP pulchowk campus engineering note

2071Chaitra Regular engineering note

2071 Chaitra Regular Object-Oriented Programming IOE Pulchowk engineering note

2071 Chaitra Regular 2071 Chaitra Regular Object-Oriented Programming IOE Pulchowk
1. Explain the advantages of OOP over traditional procedure-oriented programming. What are the
characteristics of OOP? Write a program to perform the addition of two metric distances which takes object as an argument and can also return object as an argument.

2. What are literals and identifiers? What is function overloading? Write a program to find the area of a circle, rectangle, and square using the function overloading.

3. List down the difference between constructor and destructor. Write a class that can store Department ID and Department Name with constructors to initialize its members. Write a destructor member in the same class and display the message "Object goes out of the scope". Your program should be made such that it should show the order of constructor and destructor invocation.

4. Explain how you overload relational operator using member function and non-member function. Write a program to convert currency from dollar to rupees and vice versa (assume suitable data).

5. What do you mean by access specifier? Explain how different specifiers can be used in the inheriting features of base class members. Write syntax for each one of them and Write a program to support your explanation.

6. Explain the class hierarchy for console and file I/O with a diagram. What are different ios class functions and flags that are used for formatted I/0 operations? Write a program to read and write the information of 10 students in a file.

7. What is pure virtual function? Write a program to demonstrate runtime polymorphism in C++.

8. What is the rethrowing exception? Write a program using the template to add two integers, two floats, and one integer and one float respectively. Display the final result in the float.



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