2070 Chaitra OOP pulchowk campus engineering note

2070 Chaitra Regular engineering note

2070 Chaitra Regular Object-Oriented Programming IOE Pulchowk engineering note

1. What are the benefits of object-oriented programming over procedural oriented programming? Describe the features of object-oriented programming. What is the task of const keyboard?
2070 Chaitra Regular Object-Oriented Programming IOE Pulchowk

2. List the feature of C++. What are constructors, write their use and explain using an example:

3 What is dynamic memory allocation? Write a C++ program to join two strings using a dynamic constructor concept.

4. What is the disadvantage of using operator overloading in C++? Write a program to define a Class Distance with necessary data members and functions. Then overload the relational operators to compare the two objects of Distance class.

5. What is a protected access specifier? Write a program with three classes’ students, test and
result by using multilevel inheritance. Assume necessary data members and functions yourself and program with input information, input data and calculate marks total and display result

6. List the features that are used in formatting the output. Explain each with example.

7. Why do we need virtual function? Explain with suitable example. What is pure virtual function? What is the task of reinterpret cast operator?

8. Explain the importance of function template with a suitable example. How default arguments can be used in the class template? What are the tasks of try, catch and throw block?



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