Azure Developer League: DevOps & GitHub Challenge

Azure Developer League: DevOps & GitHub Challenge

  • Which of the following scenarios is a common use case for a version control system?-Making experimental changes to your project in an isolated branch
  • What is another name for a version control system?-

    Software configuration management (SCM) system
  • What’s the difference between Git and GitHub?-Git lets you work with one or more local branches and push changes to a remote repository. GitHub acts as the remote repository, which is accessed through a website or command-line tools.
  • What Git command gives information about how to use Git?-git help
  • What Git commands can be used to correct mistakes?-git reset and git revert
  • What is the primary advantage of the distributed nature of Git?-Multiple remote contributors can work together on a project without fear of overwriting each other's work. Contributors can check changes from another contributor before merging them with their own.
  • When a Git user copies a repository, what term describes the reference that Git sets up for the original repository?-

  • What Git command makes a copy of an existing repository?-git clone <repo-path>
  • What Git command can be used to save current changes, but without using a pull request?-git stash
  • suppose you have a project that has 10 files in your local working branch of the repo. You recently updated 3 of the files: toc.ymlintro.txt, and exercise.json. Now, you want to create a pull request for only the changes to the JSON file. What set of Git commands should you use to create the pull request for only those changes?-git add exercise.json
    git commit -m "my changes for the exercise"
    git push origin <working-branch>

  • Which of the following statements is true about branches in Git?-Work done on a branch doesn't interfere with work in other branches.

  • Which of the following Git commands creates a new branch, and then changes your working location to the new branch?-git branch my-new-branch
    git checkout my-new-branch

  • Suppose you try to merge changes from your local branch into the project repo, but Git returns a merge conflict error. What command can you use to restore the default (main) branch to its correct state?-git merge --abort

  • Which of the following samples is an accurate view of what Git might show for a merge conflict between the my-penguins branch and the main branch?-
<head><body> <img class="cat" src="images/panda.jpg"> <img class="cat" src="images/peacock.jpg"> <<<<<<< my-penguins <img class="cat" src="images/penguin.jpg"> ======= <img class="cat" src="images/platypus.jpg"> <img class="cat" src="images/pony.jpg"> >>>>>>> main <footer>Copyright 2021 - Perfect Pets</footer> </body></head>
  • What is the best way to report a bug to a GitHub project?-Search for the bug in the project's existing issues and create a new one if it hasn't been reported yet.

  • Suppose you have created a bug fix on a new branch and want it to become part of the next production build generated from the main branch. What should you do next?-Create a pull request to merge your new branch into the main branch.
  • It is recommended that you create commits on a branch separate from main, and there are plenty of good reasons why. What is not a good reason?-GitHub doesn't allow you to commit directly to the main branch.
  • Suppose you'd like to work with a project on GitHub but you don't have write access to the project. What can you do to contribute?-Fork the project's repository to your GitHub account, clone the forked repository to your local machine, push changes to your repository, and submit a pull request to the target (upstream) repository.
  • You want to grant a user the permissions required to add and remove organization members to a team. Which permission would you need to grant that user?-

    Team maintainer
  • As an organization owner, you want to ensure that everyone who is logged into your corporate network can access the GitHub website without requiring a second login. Which technology will you enable to accomplish this?-Single Sign-On
  • What is the appropriate repository permission level for contributors who will actively push changes to your repository?-write
  • You plan on using GitHub Actions to build, test, and deliver your cross-platform code. Which of the following platforms will be the most expensive to use?-macOS
  • When would you decide to upgrade to the GitHub Enterprise product?-Because you want to centrally manage users and repositories across multiple organizations.
  • What is the purpose of a team?-A team is intended to reflect a company or group's structure, and is used to provide cascading access permissions and make it easy to notify all team members via mentions
  • Which of the following choices is not a good reason to protect a branch?-The branch contains sensitive information that you don't want other repository participants to be able to see.
  • Suppose your team repository contains several long-lived branches, including masterrelease-v1.0, and release-v2.0. Which of the following Git commands best enables you to apply specific commits from master into release-v1.0 to apply hotfixes to the legacy version of the codebase?-git cherry-pick
  • Your project team has reached a major milestone and wants everyone to install the latest version of your app. Which option is the best way to let interested users know?-Create a release on GitHub.
  • Artifacts from a GitHub Actions workflow can be saved with what action?-The actions/upload-artifacts action
  • What is one way that GitHub Actions workflows can NOT be used?-To upload a new secret to GitHub Secrets.
  • Which action would you use to access a repository's code from the virtual machine provided by GitHub Actions?-actions/checkout
  • How many builds will the following matrix produce? os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-2016] node-version: [8.x, 10.x, 12.x]-6
  • What is not a good reason to create a pull request?-Your branch cannot be merged into master due to upstream changes made since you created it. Creating a pull request will let the other contributor know they need to pull their changes out so you can put yours in.
  • How can you ensure that pull requests for a given area of the repository are not merged unless certain users or teams have approved?-Use a CODEOWNERS file and enable required reviews.
  • You have been requested to review a pull request. As you read through it, you notice several minor coding errors and typos. How should you handle the review?-Start a review and fix obvious typos inline. Add comments in places that require further discussion or offer educational value. Complete the review with changes requested.
  • Which of the following statements about merges is false?-When a merge completes successfully, it ensures that your changes didn't break the build.
  • Why are merge conflicts bad?-This is a trick question. Merge conflicts aren't bad; they're an inevitable part of distributed version control.
  • What is the best way to avoid most complex merge conflicts?-Regularly pull updates your branch.

    How does GitHub's top-level search bar differ from the search options available on repository tabs?-

    The top-level search bar supports searching everything across all of GitHub, whereas the repository tab searches are scoped to cover specific types in the current repository.
  • What does git blame do?-It displays the commit history of the file.
  • Suppose a bug issue is reported on your project, and you know which pull request introduced the problem. Which of the following options is not a cross-linking best practice?-Do not create cross-links when the root cause of the issue is already known.
  • Which of the following scenarios is not a good candidate to be built as a GitHub App?-An app that allows a user to approve a pull request from a custom tool.
  • When should you build an OAuth App instead of a GitHub App?-When your app needs to operate on behalf of a specific user.
  • Which of the following choices is not a benefit of using webhooks over polling?-Webhooks have better network accessibility than polling.
  • What is GitHub Script?-A workflow action that enables GitHub API access from GitHub Actions.
  • What is the difference between GitHub Script and GitHub Actions?-GitHub Actions is a workflow engine that automates the execution of actions. GitHub Script is one of the actions available for use in a workflow.
  • Why would someone use the following YAML in a GitHub Script action: if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'bug')?-To ensure that the script only runs when the target issue has been labeled as a bug.
  • How do you grant your GitHub repository access to Azure?-Manage credentials using GitHub Secrets and use that secret name in the workflow
  • What can trigger a workflow for deploying to Microsoft Azure?-Any event, just like any other Action
  • How do you make sure that your Azure credentials are not stored in plain text in your repository?-Use GitHub Secrets to securely store your Azure credentials.
  • Which type of version control enables you to work from your own copy of the main repository?-Distributed version control
  • A Git branch is used to:-Make changes and experiment with the codebase without affecting other developers' work.
  • The git pull command:-Downloads and merges the latest changes from the remote repository into your local repository.
  • Which of the following is not an important consideration for migrating a source repository to GitHub?-Does GitHub support the programming language your project uses?
  • Why is a .gitignore file important to your repository?-It helps you enforce policy around which files are not to be tracked by version control.
  • Which of the following is not a valid way to migrate a project to GitHub?-Email a password protected zip of your project to GitHub support along with instructions for the repository's creation. Be sure to include the zip password in the same email.
  • What kind of files are best stored in GitHub?-Text files, like source code.
  • Why is a .gitignore file important to your repository?-It helps you enforce policy around which files are not to be tracked by version control.
  • Which of the following is not a valid way to upload new project files to GitHub?-Email a password protected zip of your project to GitHub support along with instructions for the repository's creation. Be sure to include the zip password in the same email.
  • Which of the following choices best describes the relationship between open source and InnerSource programs?-InnerSource programs are fundamentally the same as open source programs, except that their access is limited to people within their organization.
  • Suppose your team has been receiving some low-quality bug reports without enough information to properly diagnose. Which of the following choices is the best way to address the issue?-Add an file that includes fields for reproduction steps, system properties, and instructions for generating and including important logs.
  • Suppose your team has been tracking data of all kinds since your InnerSource program went live three months ago. Which of the following metrics indicates your program is a great success?-A dramatic rise in pull requests that address bugs in your software.
  • Which of the following Markdown snippets would produce this text: Hello, world!?-*Hello, **world**!*
  • How do you print certain characters, like asterisks (*) and underscores (_), literally on your output?-Escape them with a backslash, like \* or \_.
  • Suppose there is an HTML snippet that you want to include on your GitHub Pages web site, but Markdown doesn't offer a way to render it. What should you do?-Just add the HTML inline.
  • How do you enable GitHub Pages for your repository?-Select a Source from the GitHub Pages section of the Settings tab of your repository.
  • Which of the following cannot be hosted on GitHub Pages?-Dynamic server-side applications.
  • Which of the following would you most likely use to edit the body content of your GitHub Pages site?-Markdown
  • What is the primary function of a GitHub Action?-To automate software development tasks,To facilitate continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD),Integrate infrastructure as code within your project's context
  • What are the two types of actions?-Container actions and JavaScript actions
  • Which of the following could not be used as an event trigger (runs_on)?-Opening a new tab in your browser
  • In which file do you define the steps to execute in your GitHub Action?-In a workflow .yml (YAML) file.
  • During the lab, which action did you use to publish container image to GitHub Package?-docker/build-push action step
  • When pulling the image to your local environment, which credentials are needed?-Your GitHub username and a Personal Access Token
  • In which scenarios should you NOT use GitHub Packages?-When I want to share code between methods of my application.
  • Which tool do you need to use a package hosted in GitHub Packages in your project?-The package manager tooling (npm, nuget.exe, ...).
  • How can you authenticate to GitHub Packages from your local development environment-With a Personal Access Token
  • In basketball stats, what does PER stand for?-Player efficiency rating
  • In this module, how did you impute data that's normally distributed?-

    Mean imputation
  • What is cross-validation?-A programmatic way to split data into n training and testing subsets to test the accuracy of a model.
  • What type of machine learning model is effective for predicting one value based on many other values?-Linear regression
  • What is one way to create randomized sample data that is close to accurate?-Use a random number within the standard deviation of input values for a machine learning algorithm.
  • Static web apps in Azure take significant expertise to develop and deploy.-False - Static web apps in Azure have many entry points and can be novice-friendly.
  • Flask is a framework for building web apps in which of the following languages?-Python only
  • What is the default port number that Flask uses to service HTTP requests?-5000
  • In what subdirectory should Jinja template files be stored by default?-templates
  • What is the name of the HTTP header that carries API keys in calls to Azure Cognitive Services?-Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
Azure Developer League: DevOps & GitHub Challenge



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