2074 Chaitra OOP pulchowk campus engineering note

2074 Chaitra Regular engineering note

2074 Chaitra Regular Object-Oriented Programming IOE Pulchowk engineering note

1. What are the advantages of object oriented programming over procedural programming language? Explain the features of object oriented programming. Write a simple program that illustrates the object oriented concept.

2. Why do we need friend function? Explain how any member function of a class can be friend of other class with a suitable example.

3. Explain the features of C++. What is a namespace? Explain how memory is allocated and deleted dynamically for normal variable and for array in C++ with example program.

4. Explain why default arguments are used with functions. How can a function with default argument be implemented with function overloading? Explain with example.

5. Define operator overloading. Write operator functions as a member function of a class to overload arithmetic operator + logical operator '<=' and stream operator '<<' to operate on the objects of user-defined type time (hr, min, sec).

6. What are Ambiguity and function Overriding? How they can be resolved? Explain each with a suitable example.

7. What are a pure virtual function and abstract cláss? With a suitable example explain run time polymorphism.

8 Discuss stream class hierarchy: How a file can be open in C++. Explain with a suitable example and syntax. Write a program to write the Information of 10 employees in a file. And also display their details in the console.

9. Explain why do we need a template. Explain the function template overloading with a suitable example.

10. Explain about all Exception Handling constructs. With a suitable example explain multiple exceptions handling in C++.




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